Для цитирования:
Литвиненко А.К., Восихов Ш.Т. Месторождения и проявления бирюзы и варисцита в Республике Таджикистан. Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments: Geology and Exploration. 2024;66(3):69-77. https://doi.org/10.32454/0016-7762-2024-66-3-69-77
For citation:
Litvinenko A.K., Vosihov Sh.T. Deposits and occurrences of turquoise and variscite in the Republic of Tajikistan. Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration. 2024;66(3):69-77. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.32454/0016-7762-2024-66-3-69-77