«Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration»
The publishing of a series of «Proceedings of higher educational establishments», including the journal «Geologiya i Razvedka» was originated in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR on July 31, 1957. The first issue of «Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration» was published in January 1958.
Since September 18, 2014 the founder and publisher of the Journal is the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Geo University, MGRI.
Certificate of registration of Mass Media ПИ №ФС №59165 from 18.09.2014.
The Journal is issued 4 times per year; printing format 60ˣ90/8, volume of 10–12 quires. The Journal has a contemporary design, and meets the requirements of the international standards. The Journal has18 sections for various fields of the Earth science and actual problems of the industry: geology; mineralogy, petrography, lithology; useful minerals, methods of their prospecting and exploration; hydrogeology and engineering geology; geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration; geological exploration technique; discussions; mineral and geological exploration economics; legal issues in mineral resources exploitation; geoecology; geoinformatics; from the history of science; geologic education issues; brief reports; critics and bibliography; chronics; the museum’s showcase.
The Journal issues the articles which present the results of theoretical and experimental studies carried out at the universities and research institutions, exploration companies, as well as the personal initiative of the authors. The Journal publishes the review articles covering the current state of actual problems of geological science and mineral resources exploration practice, materials of conferences, workshops and meetings. The Journal promotes the advanced industrial and production experience. More than 14500 articles were published in the Journals since its foundation.
During more than 60 years of its existence the Journal «Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Geologiya i Razvedka» has established itself as one of the leading and reputable scientific periodicals of the country in the field of Earth sciences. The Journal effectively participates in solving of scientific and technical problems, promoting the latest progresses and strengthens the authority of university and industry research in geology. It helps to improve the preparation of highly qualified engineers, scientists and teachers.
The Journal is included into the «List of leading reviewed scientific journals, where the main results of Dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Doctoral Candidate of Sciences should be published» by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
All articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by highly qualified specialists from both the editorial board and the leading institutions, academic and industrial organizations.
On April 19, 2007, for the 50th anniversary of the Journal the Russian Academy of Natural Science awarded the Journal «Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration» with a high public non-state award – Order «For Merit to the Fatherland» named after V.N. Tatischev.
The Journal publishes the advertisements and communications relating to new developments and technology, publications in the fields of geology, exploration and mining.
Since January 2003 the journal «Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration» is in open public access in the Scientific Electronic Library elibrary.ru.
The Journal is included into the GeoRef database established by the American Geosciences Institute - GeoRef (American Geosciences Institute ) and databases: CA(pt) (CAS), VINITI RAN, Cyberleninka. The Journal is indexed in Google Scholar.
The Journal is included in the registry «Rospechat» (index 70366).
«Proceedings of higher educational establishments. Geology and Exploration» look forward to the fruitful cooperation with all members of the MGRI-RSGPU team, members of the other institutions, academic and industrial organizations in the field of earth sciences for the benefit of our country.